In this onboarding video, we cover how the email system works at Richie AI:
We rely on SendGrid for our emails, but just like any other email server, it will block emails that seem fraudulent or spammy.
Emails will work right after you join Richie AI as long as your email is active, doesn't appear spammy, and is professional (not Gmail or Yahoo, etc). Your system has to be connected to a Richie AI-provided domain.
But it is always a good idea to connect to your own SendGrid account once you start with submissions and operations.
Here are the steps to create your own SendGrid account and connect it to Richie AI:
1) go to sendgrid.com and create an account
2) create an API key as shown here https://docs.sendgrid.com/ui/
3) authenticate all emails that you use inside your Richie system as shown here https://docs.sendgrid.com/
4) go inside your broker CRM, then System - scroll down, select Use my own Sendgrid, copy/paste your API key,
5) Hit 'Save'.
It should work then. Ask Sendgrid for help, it's free generally.